Civil Process
The Steuben County Sheriff's Office Civil Process Division carries out the Sheriff's statutory responsibility for the service of civil process and the execution of writs. These judicial process documents originate from the courts, governmental agencies, and private attorneys in Indiana and throughout the United States.
There are many different types of civil process paperwork that the Civil Process Division serves each day. Many of the different types of civil paperwork can be left at the door of the defendant or with someone at the residence other than the defendant. Another copy of the paperwork is then mailed to the defendant, according to state statute. This type of paper is referred to as a “leaver” or can be left.
Personal Service
Paperwork that cannot be left at a residence, either on the door or with someone at the residence is called "Personal Service". This type of paperwork is usually an order to appear, some type of restraining order, or some type of order that if an appearance is not made a warrant will be issued. If the defendant is not home at the time that service is attempted, the Civil Process Officer will leave a note directing the defendant to come to the Steuben County Sheriff's Office to pick up his/her paperwork. On the note, it will designate the name of the person the paperwork was for, and dates and times when the civil process paperwork can be picked up. If the defendant fails to pick up his/her paperwork, the court may find that punishment upon the defendant is probable.
Fees & Requirements
If you require the services of the Civil Process Division to serve a civil paper for you, certain fees are required and must be paid prior to any attempt of service.
Civil papers from Indiana: $28.00 per location
Civil papers from outside of Indiana: $60.00 per location
Payment occurs during E-Filing. Out-of-state papers must be in the form of a money order or attorney business check. Please, make the money order or business check payable to the Steuben County Sheriff’s office.
A copy of the receipt must be included with the service papers before service will occur.
Send 3 copies of papers for service.
Mark one document in the top right corner with SERVE, and another copy with RETURN.
Out-of-state agencies should include an affidavit of service required, and a self-addressed stamped envelope for return.
Personal service will be attempted 3 times, but if unsuccessful service will be made by leaving a copy at the address listed. A full street address is required.
To serve the papers we must have a physical address. If the papers are Leavers we must also have a Post Office Box available, if applicable, so we can mail them.
Civil papers without completed and proper information will be returned without service attempts.