The Steuben County Sheriff’s Communications Center is the 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point for all Police, Fire, and EMS 9-1-1 calls in Steuben County.
The Center employs 14 Communications Officers who answer all 911 calls, and dispatch for all Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire Departments, and EMS within Steuben County, with the exception of the Angola City Police and Angola Fire Department. Communications Officers monitor approximately 3 dozen different radio talkgroups and also answer non-emergency calls for service on regular phone lines.
The Communications Center provides 24-hour coverage 365 days a year. The Communications Officers are a vital part of the Emergency Services in Steuben County and are often referred to as “the 1st first responders on the scene of a call for service”. Communications Officers gather all information, calm and reassure callers, and give pre-arrival instructions to callers, in order to provide the proper response for the safety of both the public and the responders that are handling the calls for service. Communications Officers undergo extensive and continual training on Law Enforcement Dispatch, Emergency Medical Dispatch, and Fire Service Dispatch.
The current communications center opened in January of 1993 when E911 services went live in Steuben County and was moved from the old Steuben County Jail. At that time, control of the Communications Center as well as the county’s Ambulance service was transferred from the Sheriff to the Steuben County Board of Commissioners. In April of 2022, the Board of Commissioners voted to request that the Sheriff take back control of the Communicaitons/E911 Center. The Sheriff agreed to take the center back and the transfer became effective on May 1st, 2022.
Information Resources
What is 9-1-1?
What is 9-1-1?
9-1-1 is the nationwide universal police, fire, and ambulance emergency number. 9-1-1 should be used as an easily remembered access number to report fires, medical problems, and crimes in progress. Steuben County is served by an Enhanced 9-1-1 system. The name, address and phone number of the residential telephone being used to dial 9-1-1 is displayed on a computer screen at the 9-1-1 center. A map automatically displays the location of the call as well.
There are several major benefits of 9-1-1 to citizens and public safety agencies: A single, easy to remember; and information a caller may not be able to provide in an emergency is available to assist in locating them if they are unable to speak or know where they are.
9-1-1 Information
You should call 9-1-1 immediately if you encounter the following situations:
If you see a crime or a victim of a crime
Fires (all fires are emergencies)
Life-threatening or potentially life-threatening medical emergencies
Serious injuries, illness, poisoning, or gas leak
Severe weather (tornado, funnel clouds)
Someone is drowning
Vehicular accidents
Anything you believe requires an emergency response
If you are unable to speak please stay on the line! Our team will be able to hear background and will send the appropriate responders regardless of whether you can communicate with us.
If you accidently dial 9-1-1 please stay on the line! Once the last digit is dialed the call will route to the call center. If we do not speak with you we will call back. If we cannot reach you law enforcement will be sent to verify your wellbeing. Stay on the line and let us know you accidently dialed – this will save public safety resources for those who truly need them.
When not to call 9-1-1:
Loud party or music
Barking dogs or non-hazard animal complaints
To ask general directions
To report your electricity is out
To check for severe weather report
To check if a police report is ready
Other minor complaints
When any situation being reported does not require an emergency response
For these and other situations please call our non-emergency number at (260) 668-1000 Ext. 4000. Our team places priority on 9-1-1 calls, with the premise that life and/or property are at risk when these lines ring.
What should I expect when I call 9-1-1?
Remain calm and let us ask the questions. There is very specific information we need and sometimes we need to know it in a very specific order. Try your best to answer the questions that are posed to you.
Be prepared to give full location information. We always have to verify what location information we receive on our mapping and computer screens with the caller.
Be Patient. It may seem like nothing is being done to help, but in reality we are doing many things. The caller-taker or their partners will be sending people to help you, assessing our resources, and asking you questions to help identify the best way to proceed. Sometimes it feels like it's taking forever for help to arrive, but we are doing our best to combine safety, speed and accuracy.
Follow Directions. We may be giving you very specific instructions about minimizing the danger to yourself or helping those in need.
Dispatcher's will stay on the line on all requests for an EMS response until the first medical unit arrives.
Don't hang up until told to do so.
Can I call 9-1-1 if I use a TDD?
Yes. The Steuben County Sheriff Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is equipped with TDD/TTY equipment. Communications professionals receive extensive training in handling emergency situations utilizing this equipment.
Texting 9-1-1
The Steuben County Sheriff Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is equipped to receive and respond to texts sent to 9-1-1. We highly encourage people to call 9-1-1 if at all possible however. Texting at this time does not provide us with location information.
We realize there may be times when texting 9-1-1 is the only option. These may include:
When a voice carrier is not available
When there is danger that a person may be overheard speaking to a 9-1-1 operator. This might be if someone has broken into your home not knowing you’re inside. Please remember though that we will not know your location – this is why we place emphasis on calling 9-1-1 if at all possible.
Can someone call 9-1-1 who does not speak English?
Yes. The Steuben County Sheriff Public Safety Answering Point subscribes to the Language Line, which provides access to interpreters who speak more than 140 languages. The Language Line maintains a 24-hour communications center. Even when receiving a 9-1-1 call from a non-English speaking individual, help is only minutes away.
Texting 9-1-1
Texting 9-1-1
The Steuben County Sheriff Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is equipped to receive and respond to texts sent to 9-1-1. We highly encourage people to call 9-1-1 if at all possible however. Texting at this time does not provide us with location information.
We realize there may be times when texting 9-1-1 is the only option. These may include:
When a voice carrier is not available
When there is danger that a person may be overheard speaking to a 9-1-1 operator. This might be if someone has broken into your home not knowing you’re inside. Please remember though that we will not know your location – this is why we place emphasis on calling 9-1-1 if at all possible.
Please be aware of several things about texting:
Not all 9-1-1 centers are able to receive text messages. Some centers may have the ability to get the message but lack the means to respond back.
You may not get the 9-1-1 center that handles the area you’re in.
At present, we not able to receive attachments accompanying a text message. This could include a picture of an accident, document file or voice file. The technology is evolving to permit this, but is still in the testing phase nationwide.
The bottom line is that it is still best to call 9-1-1 if at all possible. Use texting only as last means.
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TTY)
Steuben County Sheriff’s 9-1-1 provides equal access to citizens using TDD devices for communications. TDD is a text message system that is used by speech and/or hearing-impaired individuals to communicate via phone lines with other TDD users. Each end of a TDD call must have a TDD device.
If the TDD caller could press the space bar several times when we answer the phone this will greatly assist our 9-1-1 center in detecting a TDD call. However if we do not detect Baudot tones and there is no voice response on a call, we will still send a TDD message. Please note: With TDD calls you will not be able to interrupt when the other person is typing. Therefore it's important to remember that short words and sentences are desired.
Some sample messages when communicating with TDD users
Some other TDD terminology they may be used when communicating
Afternoon/Evening - PM
Although - THO
Are - R
Because - CUZ
Center - CTR
Could - CUD
Go Ahead - GA meaning your turn to type
Hold - HD
Morning - AM
Number - NBR
Oh , I see - OIC
Operator - OPR
Pause (thinking) - HMMM
Please - PLS
Questions - Q
See you later - CUL
Should - SHUD
Stop keying (end of conversation) - SK
Tomorrow - TMR
Would - WUD
You - U
Your - UR