Detective Bureau
The Steuben County Sheriff's Detective Bureau consists of three detectives.
The Detectives investigate any felony crime against a person or property. Each Detective specializes in an area such as sex crimes, narcotics, property crimes, and internet crimes. They are also responsible for the Sex Offender Registry, making sure each sex offender living in Steuben County is compliant with the law; if an offender is not compliant, the violations are filed with the court, to keep Steuben County 100% compliant.
The Detectives also have proactive programs which can be presented to any organization. The topics include:
R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense)
radKIDS (Personal Empowerment Safety Education)
Internet Safety
Indiana Sex Offender Registry
Tips to Avoid Identity Deception
Theft/Burglary Prevention
Help Close the Door on Aggressive Solicitors
Methamphetamine Labs
Drug Presentations
Chris Emerick, Detective 1st Sergeant
Jordon Trippe, Detective